"Beyond the legislative process and focusing on things that we can control, it is inherently our responsibility as energy industry members to help cultivate and shape a positive attitude towards our industry. We must advocate exactly what we do and the process of how we do it in a safe and responsible manner. But more importantly we must advocate to change the attitude towards our industry and make the consumer understand that we are a vital part of this world. We are in every grocery store, every hospital…when you think of us, think of us as the total sum of what we offer and the services we provide. Because we are at a place where we can have a seat at the table, we are willing to have tough, respectful conversations; because we believe in science, we can adapt and are willing to shape our industry for the betterment of mankind and the earth. To deny that fossil fuels are an integral part of life is disheartening to the hardworking men and women who have built this industry from the ground up."
- Tully Blanchard, Business Development Manager of Billet CNC/Synergy Resources and member of LAGCOE Board of Directors
***Registration Coming Soon***
LAGCOE, joined forces with the energy industry experts and leaders to bring you the Energy Leadership Program. This is an intensive series of sessions designed to inform, educate, and increase networking of emerging and experienced energy leaders of the Acadiana region.
Open to all professionals working in the energy industry or recently displaced by the COVID-19 pandemic, the program is offered for the low-price of $300 which includes all five sessions.
The program aims to help increase community awareness, develop leadership skills, better understanding of legislation, and train energy workers to become stronger, better informed, more collaborative and active leaders of the industry.
In 2021 there were 5 sessions from 7:30AM to 9AM at the Petroleum Club:
March 2: Transform Your Potential into Greater Performance
March 9: The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership: An Interactive Experience
March 16: The Impact of the Energy Industry in Acadiana
March 23: Activating Governmental Involvement on the Local, State, and Federal Levels
March 30: Moving Forward: Energizing Your Learning into Leadership
Participants are encouraged to attend all five sessions, as the information builds on each week. For a copy of the sessions' schedule, click here.
Registration for 2023 will open soon. For more information contact fumy@lagcoe.com.
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