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Stuller Family Foundation Supports Lagcoe's Little Energizers Program with $7,500 Grant

Stuller Family Foundation Supports Lagcoe's Little Energizers Program with $7,500 Grant

Stuller Family Foundation Supports Lagcoe's Little Energizers Program with $7,500 Grant

Stuller Family Foundation Supports Lagcoe's Little Energizers Program with $7,500 Grant

Apr 24, 2024


Lafayette, LA - [April 24, 2024] - The Stuller Family Foundation has awarded $7,500 Lagcoe to support its Little Energizers Program. Chuck LaGrange, representing the Stuller Family Foundation, presented Lagcoe with the contribution, marking a pivotal moment in fostering STEM education for youth in the region.

The Lagcoe Little Energizers program aims to spark the curiosity of young minds in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). Through interactive discussions and hands-on activities led by dedicated volunteer energy professionals, elementary and middle school students are exposed to the exciting possibilities of careers in STEM. This initiative not only educates but also inspires, planting the seeds of potential future leaders in the field.

Fumy Rita, Executive Director of Lagcoe, expressed gratitude for the Stuller Family Foundation's support, stating, "The Little Energizers Program embodies Lagcoe's commitment to igniting a passion for learning from an early age. This generous grant will enable us to expand our reach and empower more young minds to explore the fascinating world of STEM."

The Stuller Family Foundation is renowned for its dedication to supporting organizations and individuals who innovate and reimagine solutions to community challenges. Through their investment in programs like Little Energizers, they continue to shape a brighter future for generations to come.


About Lagcoe: Lagcoe is a nonprofit organization established to support the advancement of the energy industry.

About Stuller Family Foundation: The Stuller Family Foundation is committed to making grants and investments that support innovative solutions to community challenges, empowering individuals and organizations to create positive change in their communities.


Media Contact:

Fumy Rita

Lagcoe Executive Director


Phone: (337) 235-4055


