"It’s not as it was in 2013; the numbers may be lower,” said Vanessa Paredes, international business specialist for Le Centre International de Lafayette, a part of Lafayette government, which helps support LAGCOE."But I still feel the same enthusiasm as in 2013.”
That enthusiasm will be expressed in large delegations from countries such as Ukraine, Saudi Arabia and Mexico. Paredes said the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Buyer Program Select has worked with representatives of those and three other countries —Brazil, Canada and Nigeria — to attend the biennial show next month.
Those former three countries will be among the presenters during the three-day exposition, and are bringing high-ranking officials to represent them. For example:
Paredes said that LAGCOE is also drawing attention from South American countries that want to participate in the show.
The Asociacion de Empresas Petroleras del Sureste, including representatives from oil-rich southeastern Mexico, will also send representatives led by Mauricio Garcia-Palacios, who has visited Lafayette before to tout oil exploration opportunities in that region.
The exhibition routinely staffs an International Trade Center where industry leaders can meet in private to conduct business discussions.
Representatives from 43 countries attended the 2013 show, including five that were led through the International Buyer Program Select. Ukraine and Brazil approached LAGCOE about presenting at the show, said Claire Thom of LAGCOE.
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